Our House of Amazing Grace

A Loving & Family Like Environment

Our House of Amazing Grace offers a loving and family-like environment for children who have been living on the streets or in the woods after being orphaned, abandoned, abused or surrendered in the Batangas province and neighboring areas of the Philippines.

We provide our children with a Loving Home, all Essentials to grow and thrive and most importantly Unconditional Love.

We help address the Philippines orphan crisis in three key areas of Safe Shelter, Family Reconnection and Adoption.
Our Heart felt expression

Gratitude & Faith

House of Amazing Grace is the heartfelt expression of Loreta Alfonso’s gratitude and faith in the mercy to God. At the tender age of four, Loreta had a near-death experience because her family was not able to afford the necessary treatment.

In her own words, Loreta reflects, “Had it not of God’s unmerited love (grace) and his compassion (mercy), I wouldn’t be here today to testify to God’s goodness”.

Loreta's journey led her to immigrate to Canada, where she tirelessly worked as a caregiver in Hong Kong and then again in Canada, saving every hard-earned penny to fulfill her dream of acquiring the land and building the House of Amazing Grace.

Yet, the work is far from complete. We need $5,000 a month that covers all needs of 10 children. Despite 95% of all contributions going directly to providing shelter, nourishment, and education to these children, we still need your support and humbly appeal to your hearts to help us keep the dream alive.
A day of life at our House

Children live as part of a small 'family'

This is a glimpse into a day of life at our House. Children live as part of a small ‘family’ of three children with a dedicated houseparent

A child’s day begins with a warm and loving wake-up call from their houseparent, surrounded by their two house-siblings.

After getting dressed and a light breakfast, it’s time to play. The play varies according to the child’s age, with a houseparent or a helper is their guiding or supervising the play.

Following playtime, the schedule varies by age. Some children take a nap to recharge, while the older ones have in-house pre-school ‘classes’ by dedicated teachers’ volunteers.

Throughout the day, the children are participating in one activity or another lead by a houseparent, a helper, a volunteer, a social worker.

How We Help

Safe Shelter: We provide safe residential-based social services along with optimum care to the orphaned, abandoned, abused, neglected and foundling children until provision of permanent parental care such as adoption or reunification with their biological family if deemed ready and appropriate.

Family Reconnection: We actively work together with the Department of Social Welfare and Development to locate their biological families with the goal of reuniting children with their families if deemed ready and appropriate.

Adoption: For children who cannot be with their families, we support their adoption by caring families in the Philippines and abroad, ensuring they have a permanent, loving home.

How We Care

A Loving Home: We provide a comfortable and nurturing home to orphaned, abandoned, abused, neglected and foundling children from birth to six years old. They live with caring parent figures and become part of a small family of siblings.

Essentials: In our care, children receive essential support such as nutritious food, access to education, and mental health assistance.

Unconditional Love: Most importantly, we surround them with an abundance of love and emotional support, helping them heal and grow.

The Children

To keep the privacy of our children and their families, we don’t share pictures, names, ages, genders or any other personal information about them online.

Though we can still share their stories while keeping their identities anonymous.

A child’s story

This child, barely taking their first steps, was abandoned in a mud house. Their journey from those desperate, mud-covered moments to our House, included few months in hospitals. walking when they were abandoned in a mud house. At our House, this once-starving child remembered how to laugh and gained their health. They even began to learn English, greeting every visitor with a warm ”hello” and sending them off with a cheerful ”see you later”.

A child’s story

This tiny baby was abandoned right after being born. But, with the grace of God, kind strangers found them fast. In their fragile early days, our House gave them everything they needed to survive: food, medical attention and loads of love. We gave them a shot at life.

Our Angels

Thank you to our angels who keep on supporting us with donations, their time and their moral support. We are so blessed.

Thank you XXX for your generous donation

Thank you XXX for your generous donation of $XXX to build XXX

Thank you XXX for the hours you spend playing with our children every day

Operated by LACC Society
We provide our children with a Loving Home, all Essentials to grow and thrive and most importantly Unconditional Love.